This book is one of the most engrossing, enjoyable ones I’ve read – the

I walked down to Sarbatwala

It was noisy and crowded. Almost everyone around me wore a surgical mask – to protect themselves against swine flu. Pune is currently the swine flu capital of India. We don’t wear helmets in Pune though the fatality and brain-damage figures for bikers in our city are terrifying. If as many people wearing the masks had worn

I called and emailed the Parsis I know, looking for someone who could tell me about those times and was lucky to find that my friend Armity Irani’s husband, Shapoor, had actually been two years junior to Farrukh Dhondy at school. “I read Poona Company in 1980, soon after I returned to Pune after a long stint abroad,” Shapoor told me. “It took me straight back to my childhood, the friends I grew up with, school life, and the days of hanging out at the old Irani joints. Yes, Sarbatwala Chowk was Ground Zero for us in those days!” Shapoor also gave me updates on some of Dhondy’s characters. The strongman Samson, who bore the bodies of innumerable dead Parsis to the Towers of Silence, tragically spent the last years of his life in a wheelchair. He had diabetes and had lost his legs to gangrene. However, Shapoor admits (without a touch of remorse), “Farrukh never cared for me much because I was one of his sister Zarine’s admirers. She was a beauty, with red-gold hair, and a lot of us would hang around near their house hoping to get her attention. Farrukh was the intellectual sort and he didn’t approve of us.”
I found this an interesting revelation because the narrator Farrukh of Poona Company is just a regular guy – a schoolboy who gets up to mischief, is terrified of getting into trouble with his elders, and has deep emotions but cannot express them. The single glimpse the book gives into his intellectual side is so casual you could easily miss it: Raje was known to me because a month before that big game he had challenged me to a chess tournament behind the pavilion in college. He had bet me ten rupees per game. I beat him in three games straight and when I reached for the money under the board, he reached for a black box he carried around. He was a medical student. Out of the dissection set came a mean-looking scalpel. “You moved when I was not looking. You touched the queen twice without shifting it.” He took the money.
This book had been out of print for years and it was like a gift to find it back in the shops.
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